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What is a Hot Towel Treatment?
The use of hot, moist towels in massage therapy, also known as hydro thermal therapy, can help tight muscles to relax, soothes irritated nerve endings and increases circulation. Therapists can achieve more results during a limited treatment session period by applying hot, moist towels to one area of the patient’s body while manually massaging other areas, then switching as needed. Hot towels can be used in areas that would be unable to tolerate the pressure and friction common to manual massage, and the use of moist heat is recommended by the Arthritis Foundation to help to relax muscles and increase circulation in areas made tender by that condition.
Benefit of a Hot-Towels Treatment at Now and Zen Bodyworks
The use of a heated moist towel in massage therapy is also known as hydrotherapy. It can help tight muscles to relax, soothe irritated nerve endings and increase circulation. Better results can be achieved by applying hot moist towels to the body while using compressions to release stress and tension. Hot towels can be used in areas unable to handle deeper pressure and friction, such as rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia to help relax muscles and increase circulation made tender by those conditions. For a warm and comforting experience ask for hot towel treatment on your next visit.

What is Aromatherapy?
Aromatherapy oils are the fragrant essence of a plant. These highly concentrated liquid oils are the foundation of aromatherapy, which is based on the idea that the aromatic oil from a plant has healing properties.
Aromatherapy massage is a beautiful way to express caring and help relieve the stress of a loved one. The benefits of aromatherapy massage can also be enjoyed through self-massage. Aromatherapy massage is massage therapy but with highly concentrated plant oils, called essential oil added to the massage oil or lotion. The nostrils are attached to a part of the brain called the limbic system. The limbic system controls emotions and influences the nervous system and hormones. When you inhale essential oil molecules, messages are transmitted to the limbic system and affect heart rate, stress level, blood pressure, breathing, memory, digestion, and the immune system.

What is a Zen Hot-Stone Massage?
Our signature massage! Let the heat from the stones melt your stress and anxieties away. Hot stone massage is a form of massage therapy that is similar to a Swedish massage. This technique is great for people with arthritis, fibromyalgia and chronic pain.
Benefits of a Hot-Stone Treatment at Now and Zen Bodyworks
Hot stones massage is great for people who have high stress lives and who frequently have headaches or migraines. Hot stones massage feels amazing to the client it's more effective and the client will have more relief. Incorporating temperature by using hot and cold hot heat in the massage stimulates the circulation system. Softens the tissue and it open up the blood flow and forces the blood flow and allows the knot to loosen up. Anytime you have a knot of tissue in the body it stops the blood flow.

What is Deep Muscle Therapy?
This concentrated therapy uses warming and cooling thermal treatments to provide deep muscle pain relief, decrease inflammation and increase circulation.
Benefits of Deep Muscle Therapy at Now and Zen Bodyworks
Alternating between cold and heat helps the area that needs to be healed. This is great for areas where you’re having chronic pain.
Introducing Bio-Freeze and Hot Eucalyptus lotion:
Bio-Freeze is a topical gel which means you can apply it directly to the skin. It aids in treating with pain for sports injuries, stiffness, sore muscles and joint pain
Hot Eucalyptus lotion is a a lotion that gives off heat for aching sore muscles. This is great for athletes experiencing sore muscles because the heat from the lotion penetrates deep.

What is a Zen Foot-Scrub?
Pampering one's feet is the ultimate luxury yet few people take time for it. Let Now and Zen Bodyworks treat your feet. The environment will be spa-like with relaxing music and lit candles around the room. Kick your feet up and enjoy a Zen Foot Scrub. This upgrade consists of 10-15 minute foot scrub included at the time of your massage. This is an upgrade feature to your massage, not an extension of time. If you would like upgrade to please let your massage therapist know.
What is a Zen Foot Scrub Treatment at Now and Zen Bodyworks?
During your massage your foot scrub experience begins with hot towels applied to your feet to relax and soften your feet. Then, your feet will enjoy an invigorating foot scrub with exfoliation lotion and oil to smooth, cleanse and soften you tired feet. Moisturize and massage. Dry off your feet with towel and apply an invigorating foot cream such as Dr. Scholl's Peppermint Foot and Leg Lotion. Massage in long upward strokes, moving from your toes to your calves. Then hot towels are wrapped around your feet for a relaxing Zen experience before a soothing lotion is applied to finish up this amazing experience.

What is Zen Heat Therapy?
Neck and Back - For persistent or chronic neck and back injuries - relieves overuse from physical work or activity
Arms and Hands - For overworked hands and arms - relieves pain from carpal tunnel, tennis elbow and shoulder joint pain
Legs and Feet - For overworked legs and feet - relieves pain from plantar fasciitis, chronic ankle and knee injuries